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The NOW email Westchester NOW answers requests for information and make referrals. Information can be provided about upcoming meetings and events and about drives to support local, state, and federal legislation favoring equality. The NOW email is a vital link between the Westchester Chapter and the local community.
Marriage and Divorce NOW connects women to the Westchester network of resources and support services for women and monitors legislation related to divorce and child custody.
Reproductive Rights NOW believes that every women must have control of her own body and decide for herself if or when to bear a child. We work actively for widespread sex education, availability of contraceptives, and ready access to safe and legal abortions. We also offer an escort service to support women entering abortion clinics.
Lesbian Rights Westchester NOW works for passage of local, state, and federal legislation to protect the civil rights of lesbians and gay men. We put women in touch with local organizations which provide activities and events in safe, women-only space and refer women to the Westchester Lesbian Line to share their joys and concerns about loving themselves and loving women.
Older Women Women make up the majority of the aging population. Older women are most likely to live alone, live longer, have a low income, and be subject to chronic illness. NOW seeks societal and legislative changes to improve the lives of older women.
Violence Against Women In working to increase awareness of the seriousness and prevalence of violence against women and children, NOW actively supports legislation to provide effective protection for victims of domestic violence, rape, and sexual abuse. We support emergency shelters to help individuals escape abusive situations.
Employment Discrimination Employees and job applicants who encounter discrimination based on age, sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap can get information on legal action. We make referrals for employees who are faced with sexual harassment and women who are discriminated against because of pregnancy. We worked for passage of the Westchester County law establishing the County Human Rights Commission in response to the unacceptable non-performance of the State Division of Human Rights. The County HRC handles complaines of discrimination in housing and employment and can levy fines of up to $10,000.
Feminist Book Discussion Group The Chapter feminist book group was started in the mid-1970s to analyze books from a feminist perspective. Discussing only books written by women, the group meets once a month to discuss books from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, both fiction and non-fiction.
Young Feminist Task Force The membership of National NOW voted in July 2003 to create a permanent task force of young feminists aged 30 or under, appointed by the president of NOW, to advise on matters of agenda, leadership recruitment and issue prioritization regarding young feminists in the organization. Task force topics include advancing reproductive justice, promoting diversity and ending racism, stopping violence against women, ensuring economic justice, achieving equality, and winning lesbian rights. If you would like to be active in our chapter’s local task force, contact us at [email protected]. And while you’re at it, check out NOW’s myspace page: and Westchester NOW’s myspace page: