Newsletters/Press Releases

Westchester NOW


Press release for Women’s History Month, March 5, 2009, presentation


Westchester County NOW PAC 2008 Endorsements

Westchester NOW PAC proudly endorses the following candidates: For New York State Senate: District 34: Jeffrey D. Klein (D, I, W) District 35: Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D, W) District 36: Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D, W) District 37: Suzi Oppenheimer (D, W) For New York State Assembly: District 87: J. Gary Pretlow (D, I) District 88: Amy R. Paulin (D, I, W) District 89: Adam Bradley (D, I, W) District 90: Sandra Galef (D, I) District 91: George S. Latimer (D, I, W) District 92: Richard Brodsky (D, W) District 93: Michael Spano (D, C, W) District 99: John A. Degnan (D, W)

Articles continued

Subject: “Granholm threatens veto” article Friday, June 13, 2008 Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 13:04:23 EDT To: [email protected] To the editors: Imagine for a moment that you know a healthy woman in her last month of an uncomplicated pregnancy. At this stage the woman only has two choices: continue the pregnancy, have the baby and raise it as a member of the family, or continue the pregnancy, have the baby and give it up for adoption. Abortion is not an option for healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies at this stage, because the fetus is viable at this time. In our society, viable fetuses are delivered with full medical support, both for them and their mothers. And that is how it should be. There are, and will continue to be, however, rare instances where the life and/or health of a pregnant woman will be threatened if a pregnancy continues – one that was very much wanted. The federal legislation recently validated by the Supreme Court that bans certain abortion procedures plays politics with women’s health. A pregnant woman has the right to end a pregnancy that threatens her health, and she has the right to the safest method available as determined by her physicians. One such method is vaginal delivery with spinal fluid removal to ease the process. For these reasons I take issue with the way late-term abortion procedures have been repeatedly portrayed in your releases, most recently in a June 13, 2008 item. The one-sentence summary reads: “The outlawed procedure typically is used to end pregnancies in the second and third trimesters and involves partially removing the fetus intact from a woman’s uterus and then crushing or cutting its skull to complete the abortion.” This sounds like a woman has a C-section and the fetus’s head is smashed or cut, an outrageous notion. Moreover, the “crushing or cutting the skull” language is straight out of ant-choice rhetoric. Women who have late-term abortions have enough difficulties without having to endure insinuations of being baby killers. The press can help by being accurate in its description: “The procedure typically is used to end pregnancies in the second and third trimesters and involves removing the fetus vaginally by methods to ease delivery.” Thank you. (Ms.) Jon Wegienek Member, Westchester Chapter, National Organization for Women, Former Reproductive Rights Task Force Chair, NOW-New York State, 1990-1999